Category: Uncategorized

Good omens? 0

Good omens?

One of my favourite authors, since the mid 80s, has been Terry Pratchett, and looking back on his work, I realise his books have influenced me significantly. Buried in the humour and wit there...

Tabby Graphics tablet Amiga Driver 1

Tabby Graphics tablet Amiga Driver

Back in 1994, I was rather enjoying student life, and to fund this I had a few part time jobs.  It’s sad to say that all of them were related to computing, and specifically...

Bad Influence and the Amiga 1200 0

Bad Influence and the Amiga 1200

Remember TV?  That thing you used as entertainment before broadband?  Back in the 80s and early 90s coverage of anything to do with computing was at best awful, and at worst blaming computer games...


PUAE on OSX – quick update

For those following PUAE progress on OSX, it seems that there has been an issue in the recent builds.  This is likely down to me changing to Lion and more significantly xCode 4. GnoStiC...